The Looming Energy Crisis: Are Blackouts Inevitable?


Author: Donn Dears

Sea Hill Press

Pub date: Sept 1, 2021


ISBN: 978-0981511993

Categories: , Product ID: 21237


Reliability of our electricity supply is crucial. It is a national security issue.Imagine living without electricity during a blackout while sheltering-in-place during a pandemic. And we now know pandemics are a real threat.The electric grid is not only threatened by foreign adversaries, as the President’s executive order established, but also by ideologues who are manipulating grid operating procedures, which forces reliable baseload power plants to shut down.To guarantee the availability of electricity, only baseload power—using natural gas, coal-fired or nuclear power plants— can provide reliable supplies of electricity, day and night.The Looming Energy Crisis exposes how efforts to decarbonize our country by eliminating the use of fossil fuels is threatening the reliability of our grid and endangering every American.You will be shocked to learn how people are surreptitiously undermining the reliability of the grid.