Ordinary Men & Women two book set


Ordinary Men and Women of the Bible- set
Ordinary Men: Called by God, Acting on faith
ISBN: 978-1-937720-62-9
Ordinary Women:
Caught in the Crossfire of Faith
ISBN: 978-1-937720-61-1
Pub Date: July 1, 2021
Retail Price: $24.95

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Two Book Set includes
Ordinary Men: Called by God, Acting on faith
ISBN: 978-1-937720-62-9

In God’s plan, there really is no such person as an “ordinary” men; that is the basis of this book. These fictional stories, based on lesser-known people in the Bible, focus on the lives of men who participated in God’s activity. These personal narratives provide a unique perspective on how an ordinary man in the Bible observed and perceived his situation. Each person has a story to tell us about what it means to be part of God’s plan, to participate in what is happening around them, even when the events are hard to understand or emotionally stressful. Following each story is a short study guide that expands on the ideas presented and suggests scripture for further study.

Ordinary Women: Caught in the Crossfire of Faith
ISBN: 978-1-937720-61-1

In God’s plan, there really is no such person as an “ordinary” woman; that is the basis of this book. These fictional stories, based on lesser-known people in the Bible, focus on the lives of women who participated in God’s activity. Each personal narrative provides a unique perspective on how an ordinary woman in the Bible observed and perceived her situation. Each person has a story to tell us about what it means to be part of God’s plan, to participate in what is happening around her, even when the events are hard to understand or emotionally stressful. Following each story is a short study guide that expands on the ideas presented and suggests scripture for further study.

God takes note of everyone. He knows who we are and where we are, and He has a plan for us. Each one of us has a part to play in God’s plan, and ordinary women often play significant roles without realizing. When we commit ourselves to His plan, we accomplish the work He has given us, and we will touch the lives of others so they will be drawn to God.


Dr. Perry J. Hubbard, DMIN Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, served as a missionary alongside his wife for over thirty years with Global Partners. Dr. Hubbard continues to serve as a missionary in Iberoamerica with a focus on developing missional leaders.


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