George’s Stories


George’s Stories
Author: George Mackay

Publisher: Sea Hill Press
ISBN: 978-1-937720-66-7
Retail Price: $22.95

George MacKay has led a full and interesting life. He is an excellent storyteller who enjoys sharing his business and personal experiences—be they failures or successes. Some of his charitable endeavors in Central America had gratifying results. In Haiti, some were too ambitious and had to be abandoned! This book is intended to entertain and inspire readers to take risks. Showing how sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t, but they always lead you somewhere.


George’s Stories
Author: George Mackay
ISBN: 978-1-937720-66-7
Content: 252 pages with color images

George MacKay has led a full and interesting life. He is an excellent storyteller who enjoys sharing his business and personal experiences—be they failures or successes. Some of his charitable endeavors in Central America had gratifying results. In Haiti, some were too ambitious and had to be abandoned! This book is intended to entertain and inspire readers to take risks. Showing how sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t, but they always lead you somewhere.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 11 × 9 × 0.25 cm

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